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Eight Simple Tips on Energy Saving

Saving energy does not only help saving the environment but also the money you spend in paying your bills. Here are eight simple tips to help you save the energy and also your money.

Energy Saving Tips

Heating and Air Conditioning

  1. When the weather is chilly, you may need to wear more jumpers and socks, put extra blankets on bed, and wearing thick and comfy slippers around the house. When your body is warm enough, you will not be tempted to turn the heating on! Even when you do, you can turn down your thermostat by 1°C keep that on constant. Switching the thermostat on and off will rise your electricity bill. Learning the timer settings on your thermostat will be a big help.
  2. There are days when you get struck by heat wave and AC is one of the best friends you can rely on. However, AC requires a lot of energy to operate and you may want to try these tips. First, close the doors and windows so that the cool air will not leak outside through the draughts. Close the curtains with external shading to keep the sun off the windows, for example external blinds. Use cotton sheet for your bedsheet. Turn off the cooling system in unoccupied rooms and only cool the rooms you spend the most time in.



  1. Save time in cooking by pre-cooking the meals in large portion. Any time you want to eat, you can heat only a small portion of it, enough for you and your family members to eat. By doing this, you can save time and energy in cooking.
  2. When you wash the dishes, avoid pre-rinsing the dishes. You can just scrap the leftover from your dishes and let the dishwasher do the rest. This will save water and energy needed.
  3. Keep the fridgefull because empty space in the fridge and freezer wastes both space and energy. Keep in mind to check if the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air cannot escape from the gaps. Set the temperature of the fridge to 4-5 °C and the freezer temperature to minus 15-18 °



  1. Wash your clothes at 30-40 °C to save the money you pay on heating the water to wash your clothes. In fact, 90% of washing machine energy expenditure is spent on it. You may also jump the process of tumble drying. You can just hang up your laundry if the weather is either warm or windy.
  2. If you need to iron your clothes, you may need to take your clothes out of the dryer when they are a little bit wet then iron them. They will iron much quicker. This step also let you save energy and money on your ironing and tumble drying.



  1. Don’t forget to turn off the appliances you don’t use and unplug the chords from the sockets. Chords like chargers continue to use electricity even when they are not in use.

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