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What to do with the high energy bill

Even though many of the factors contributing to the electricity bill are within the control, but there are others that simply can’t be changed. If high electricity bills, it may be because of reasons as follows

Appliances and bulb are not energy efficient

Appliances account for one of the biggest chunks of the electricity bill. It is worth to check whether the electrical appliances and light bulbs are still traditional.

Lower the electricity bill by upgrading all the appliances to Energy Star rated models. Switch out your old bulbs as they burn out for new LEDs, or replace your 5 most-used bulbs today.

Poor Insulation

Another majority of the electric bill gets routed to heating and cooling the home. So if the house is not properly insulated, all the money spent on heating and cooling will be going because of the leak windows and drafty attic space.

That means you have to spend more time and money to work your unit harder just to get to the temperature you want.

Lower the electricity bill by replacing all the old windows and doors in your home with well-fitting, multi-pane choices. You can always install weather-stripping around your doors and windows too.

No control over the weather

Generally, half of the electricity costs stem from the heating and cooling expenses, thus controlling the cooling and heating by programming the thermostat to safeguard against spikes in the energy consumption.

Lower the electricity bill by raising the thermostat just one degree in the summer and this could save 3% on the electricity costs. Lower it one degree in the winter and that saving jumps to an average of 5%.

Water heater

It constantly needs energy in order to provide the water warm, whether it is used or not. So, in the beginning, the cost is already in there.

Lower the electricity bill by lowering the temperature of your water heater and adding extra insulation to maintain that temperature efficiently. In addition to that give the water heater an insulation jacket and add insulation to the outside of the pipes to keep the temperature (and your savings) locked in.

The vampire or energy

The problem is, these devices are sitting idle, sucking electricity out of your home while waiting for a command from you or waiting for a scheduled task to run. Anything with a clock, such as microwave ovens and coffee makers — and even older technologies, like VCRs — need the power to keep time while turned off.

Lower the electricity bill by connecting devices to power strips and turning off the power strips when it is not used. That way, off will really mean off as it is effectively disconnected the device from the power source.

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